Getting started with TheGoodAPI

Build something Good. Increase conversion.

Why use TheGoodAPI?

Through our api, you can seamlessly plant trees after any event in your app (subscription, product purchase, or any other customer milestone). Showcase your investment in our planet to your customers and drive more conversions.

Put tree planting on autopilot. No more manual tracking and payments. We plant trees on your behalf and invoice you once a month. We maintain an updated record of all the trees you have planted and provide certificates that show proof of tree planting.


As mentioned below, once you sign up for the GoodAPI, your first bill will be emailed to you and you can pay for it directly from the email. Subsequent invoices will also be emailed and you can setup auto pay as well.

Sign Up


A single signup method which will give you access to all the goodness with this API (right now only planting trees). During the beta, Invoices will be sent directly to email and will be payable from the email itself. No CC information needed to get started


Request Body

  "api_key_prod": "xxxx",
  "api_key_test": "xxxx"

Note: During the beta, should you ever lose your keys or need a rotation, please send us an email at and we'll get it sorted out.

Last updated